We Believe

Why do we exist?

Mission: Led by the Spirit, to love and enjoy God our Father to grow in faith and to make Christ known to others (Acts 1:8)

Vision: To be a welcoming, vibrant and intergenerational Church, connected with the community and known for our love, unity and hope in Christ (Gal. 3:28)

Values: Forgiven and thus forgiving.  Living and loving in the grace  of God (Col 3:12-17)

What do we believe?

We believe in one, holy, living God – creator of heaven and earth – a God who created us to have a personal relationship with Him.

We believe the God we worship brought everything into existence. We believe he has entered our world in the person of Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died, buried and on the third day rose again – a sacrifice for all mankind, so that all may have a personal relationship with God.church cropped